AI Solutions Architect, Project Manager, Nerd

👋 Hi I'm Drew!

My fascination with computers and technology dates back to my childhood. Even before my family got our first "family computer" when I was 12, I was captivated by the digital world. I remember vividly how I used to play with an imaginary shoebox computer as a boy and spent countless hours at the public library, exploring the wonders of the internet through their dial-up connection. My journey into programming started in that very library, poring over books and crafting .HTML files in notepad. This initial foray blossomed into creating 2D games with Game Maker, managing my own flash portal (constantly evading the school's blocking efforts), and ambitiously attempting to build an MMO in middle school with my friends. These experiences were the foundation of my lifelong passion for gaming, web development, and boundary-pushing innovation.

Tabletop and Fantasy

It wasn't until high school that I discovered the joy of tabletop gaming with Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition. That game, with its intricate systems and rich lore, captivated me completely. From being just a player, I soon transitioned to the role of game master, reveling in the creation of expansive worlds and intricate mechanics. This newfound love for world-building and system design became a constant thread throughout my life, influencing not just my hobbies but also my approach to creativity and problem-solving.
My journey into the realm of fantasy didn't stop at gaming. During this time, I also began working with one of my best friends at a blacksmith shop in a Renaissance Festival. Although I wasn't a smith, I found my place as a shopkeeper and a hawker. There, amidst the clanging of hammers and the smell of forged metal, I learned the art of engaging with people, drawing them in with tales of heroism and adventure. I would entice festival-goers with the allure of owning a piece of history - a sword forged with skill and passion. These experiences deepened my connection to the fantasy world, blending my love for storytelling with real-world interactions. Fantasy, for me, has always been a bridge between imagination and reality, a realm where I could express my creativity and connect with others who share similar passions.

Drew with two of his best friends at a Viking themed wedding circa 2023.
Drew with two of his best friends at a Viking themed wedding circa 2023.

College and Career Beginnings

In college, I initially embarked on a computer science major but later switched to a management information system degree with a technology focus. Why the change? While I cherished programming, the challenge of Calc 3 marked my limit. My college years also gifted me the opportunity to work as a librarian at the local library, where I organized technology and gaming events. This role, enriching and memorable, allowed me to witness diverse groups bonding over their shared love for gaming, which in turn deeply inspired me.

Drew with two of his best friends at a Viking themed wedding circa 2023.
Image from La Crosse Public Library

Professional Growth and AI Exploration

Graduating college, I embarked on my career journey in a marketing agency, initially as a front-end web developer. It was a dynamic environment where versatility was key, and I quickly expanded my role. I spearheaded the creation of the entire web development division, transforming it into a robust and integral part of the company. Handling not only the development of websites and scalable web applications, I managed these projects under tight deadlines with minimal staff.

My responsibilities grew to encompass full administration and account management for all digital and internal projects. To ensure project success and meet our ambitious goals, I took on the task of hiring freelancers and coordinating with 3rd Party Contractors, further enhancing our project capabilities. This period marked a significant evolution in my role, as I transitioned through various positions including account manager, graphic designer, full-stack developer, and even managing the phone network – truly a testament to the need for wearing many hats in such an environment.

Drew with two of his best friends at a Viking themed wedding circa 2023.
Image from Identity Works annual trade-show

Automation Necessitation

My career path continued in marketing, but I gradually shifted to project management, discovering a new passion. However, when COVID reshaped the job landscape, I found myself as the sole project manager in my department. This prompted me to reignite my programming skills, around the time when interest in GPT-3 was surging. As someone with ADHD, I've always been intrigued by the idea of offloading thoughts and processes to an external system, making AI a field of particular interest. I dove back into Python and began automating aspects of project management, eventually presenting my innovations to the company CEO and joining the AI Center of Excellence committee. I act as a solutions Architect, engaging with generative AI ideas submitted internally, evaluating their viability and allocating resources accordingly.

AI Projects and Innovations

As I delved deeper into AI, my fascination grew, leading me to undertake various personal AI projects and experiments for Kaplan. These included developing automated intake emails, crafting personalized AI summary reports, and generating synthetic datasets. My explorations extended beyond work-related projects as I experimented with innovative applications of natural language processing. I ventured into vector database storage and semantic search, viewing them through a fresh lens. With the evolution of the technology, I discovered a deep passion for creating and managing AI agents. Whether it's the project manager or the game master in me, orchestrating AI agent clusters to perform specialized tasks and seamlessly integrating them has been immensely satisfying. Being at the cutting edge of such a rapidly evolving field has been a truly exhilarating journey.

Running with feet off the ground

An early project of mine, TavernBoard, was a website that featured a simple GUI allowing players to accept quests from a quest board. The bard would narrate the quest with pauses for player input. It was a novel idea, but the server costs were daunting, leading me to shelf it. In November 2023, OpenAI announced their GPTs platform, a game-changer that allowed users to create custom versions of ChatGPT with unique instructions and knowledge. The affordability of this platform, especially with the ChatGPT Plus Account, rekindled my passion for AI-driven projects. That brings us to where I am now, a few months into this exciting side project. It's still early days, but my enthusiasm for AI and this project is immense.

Adorable Dog Gallery

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